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Ring: Time of Day filter dành cho Google Chrome

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 1.1
  • 4.4

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

Đánh giá Softonic

Bộ lọc Thời gian trong ngày

Ring: Time of Day Filter is a free Chrome add-on developed by nmdev9. It falls under the category of Browsers and is specifically classified as an Add-ons & Tools subcategory. The main purpose of this program is to filter events from ring.com based on the time of day.

With Ring: Time of Day Filter, users can easily select specific times from the extension pop-up and apply the filter to their events. This allows them to view only the events that occurred during the chosen time range. The left panel displays the filtered events from the user's device, and users can scroll through them at their own pace.

For those who want to view all events again, the extension provides an option to re-open it and click "Show All". This feature ensures flexibility and convenience for users who may need to switch between filtered and unfiltered event views.

Ring: Time of Day Filter is a useful tool for Ring users who want to easily manage and organize their events based on specific time periods. Its intuitive interface and straightforward functionality make it a valuable addition to the Chrome browser.

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Ring: Time of Day filter dành cho Google Chrome

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 1.1
  • 4.4

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

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